/* mount options */ wt = 2; // wall thickness (min 5mm for m2 inserts) bpt = 7; // thickness of base plate rd = 4 ; //inner radius of fan duct bend wo = 25; // width of opening zofsmnt = 5; // vertical distance between bottom of fan and bottom of base plate xhbl = 22; // distance in x from fan to heat block yhbl = -15.5; // distance in y from fan center to center of nozzle (negative to base plate) zhbl = 27.2; // distance in z from fan to heat block underside zbed = 6.5; // how far does the nozzle protrude out of the heat block? xhbln = 11.5; // distance from heat block to nozzle center zgap = 2; // gap left to bed/part xgap = 3; // gap from duct to heat block /* fan size */ wtfm = 5; // wall thickness fan mount lf = 40; // length tf = 10; // thickness lhf = 34.8; // distance mounting holes lof = 28; // length of outlet wof = 8; // width of outlet rc = 2; // radius corners $fn= 100; /* calculations */ ho = zbed-zgap-wt; // height of opening in duct tip a = atan(zbed/(xhbln+xgap)); b = 90 - a; vtb = sin(b) * rd; // vertical travel achieved in bend htb = rd - (cos(b) * rd); // horizontal travel achieved in bend xad = xhbl+((tf-wof)/2)-xgap-htb-wt; zad = xad*tan(a); lad = xad/cos(a); lav = zhbl-vtb-zad; xto = (2*wt)+wof > tf ? (2*wt)+wof : tf; xo = xto>tf? wt : (tf-wof)/2; xm = xto>tf?xto -(tf-wof)/2-0.01:tf-0.01; y = lf+bpt;//+ bpt; yo = (lf-lof)/2; yb = lf/2-yhbl+wo/2>y-wt? y-wt-wo:lf/2-yhbl-wo/2 < wt? wt:lf/2-yhbl-wo/2; //(y-wo)/2; yba = lf/2-yhbl+wo/2>y-wt? y-2*wt-wo:lf/2-yhbl-wo/2 < wt? 0:lf/2-yhbl-wo/2-wt; //(y-wo)/2; ybo = (lf-lof)/2-wt; posxad = htb+xto; poszad = -zhbl+zad; module through(l=7, lh=2, lt=1, lb=1){ union(){ translate([0,0,l-lh])cylinder(h=lh+lt, d=4); translate([0,0,-lb])cylinder(h=l+lh+lb, d=2.5); } } module m3 (h=8, lt=1){ //translate([0,0,-lt])cylinder(h, d=2.5); // tapped M3 translate([0,0,-lt])cylinder(h, d=4); // rutex insert } module m2 (h=8, lt=1){ translate([0,0,-lt])cylinder(h, d=1.5); // tapped M3 //translate([0,0,-lt])cylinder(h, d=3.2); // rutex insert } module mount(){ translate([4,4,-12])difference(){ hull(){ translate([0,0,6])cylinder(h=6, d=8); translate([4,-4,0])cube([0.01,8,12]); } translate([0,0,12])mirror([0,0,1])through(l=10,lb=1,lt=1,lh=7); } } difference(){ union(){ translate([posxad,0,poszad])hull(){ rotate([0,a,0])translate([-0.01,ybo,-xto])cube([0.01,y-ybo,xto]); rotate([0,a,0])translate([-0.01+lad,yba,-1*ho-2*wt])cube([0.01,y-yba,ho+2*wt]); } translate([xto+rd,ybo,-lav])rotate([-90,a+90,0])rotate_extrude(angle=b){ translate([rd,0])square([xto,y-ybo]); } hull(){ translate([0,0,-2*wtfm])cube([xto,y,2*wtfm]); translate([0,ybo,-lav])cube([xto,y-ybo,0.01]); //translate([0,0,-lav])cube([xto,y,lav]); } translate([xm,0,-2*wtfm])hull(){ cube([0.01,lf-0.4,wtfm*2]); translate([wtfm,0,wtfm])cube([0.01,lf-0.4,wtfm]); } } translate([xo,yo, -lav-0.01])cube([wof,lof,lav+1]); translate([xto+rd,yo,-lav])rotate([-90,a+90,0])rotate_extrude(angle=b){ translate([rd+xo,0])square([wof,lof]); } translate([posxad,0,poszad])hull(){ rotate([0,a,0])translate([-0.01,yo,-wof-xo])cube([0.01,lof,wof]); rotate([0,a,0])translate([lad,yb,-ho-wt])cube([0.01,wo,ho]); } for(y=[8,lf-8])translate([xm+wtfm/2,y,0])mirror([0,0,1])through(l=wtfm,lt=wtfm); translate([xto/2,y-bpt/2,-zofsmnt])mirror([0,0,1])through(l=wtfm,lt=zhbl); translate([-1,y-bpt-0.4,-zofsmnt])cube([xto*2,bpt+1,zofsmnt+1]); // cut view //translate([-1,-1,-zhbl-zbed])cube([xto+xhbl+2,lf/2,zhbl+zbed+5]); }